Portraits of Women, by Women presented by Rocky Neck Art Colony

Hammond Castle Museum 80 Hesperus Avenue, Gloucester, MA

Rocky Neck Art Colony and Hammond Castle Museum are collaborating for a special exhibition, “Portraits of Women, by Women,” in honor of Women’s History Month. This exhibit features recent portraits by prominent women artists from the Rocky Neck Art Colony, including Elizabeth Bish, Janice Brand, Robin Colodzin, Susan Ellis, Elizabeth Gauthier, Janet Grover, Joyce Roessler, Amy Sudarsky, and Helen Tory. This inspiring show highlights the profound impact of portraiture in capturing the essence, strength, and diversity of women’s experiences.

Opening Reception: Portraits of Women, by Women

Hammond Castle Museum 80 Hesperus Avenue, Gloucester, MA

Be among the first to view this inspiring exhibit, meet the artists, and experience the unique partnership between these two long-standing institutions. This reception is free and open to the public, but RSVP is requested.