Any time of year is the best time of year to help!
Your donation – of any amount – helps us continue to do all we do at Rocky Neck Art Colony
Your gift, no matter the amount, enables the nonprofit Rocky Neck Art Colony to provide quality cultural programming to the community.
As a 501c3, we are dedicated to connecting artistic creativity to a wider audience. Your donation can be a one-time or a recurring amount that sustains our mission to provide cultural experiences to residents and visitors to Rocky Neck and Cape Ann.
Questions? Please reach out to our Executive Director at
Gifts are tax deductible. If you are interested in other ways of donating, please contact us at 978-515-7004.
You can also mail a check, made payable to Rocky Neck Art Colony. Checks should be mailed to: Rocky Neck Art Colony, PO Box 1451, Gloucester, MA 01931.